Jumat, 17 Februari 2012

Home industry processing agricultural commodities is one of the industry's very urgent developed in this beloved country Indonesia. This production is the solution of choice to help with people's middle-down planters in the country with the aim of improving and enhancing the welfare of their fate. 
Therefore, only by developing home industries processing agricultural products especially the result of fruits that will happen the economic value of various agricultural commodities which in turn will be able to improve the fate and the well-being of Indonesia.

Therefore, starting in the 2000s began pioneering efforts to manufacture dodol and salak fruit chips from a petty. 
Outside the suspected food products of the fruit and the lunkhead kripik this turned out to be a lot of interest salak by the people so that the entrepreneurs are getting serious industry efforts to plunge into kripik salak. Finally begins to introduce to the public the making of foods from fruits salak.

Now the products of the fruit and the lunkhead kripik salak artificial medium small companies now market their products dodol and the salaknya fruit crisps are managed. 
Although the marketing activities are still limited in the vicinity of Sleman Regency and Yogyakarta, but domestic tourists from various regions of the country to visit kaliurang already often buy products dodol and salak fruit crisps as souvenirs.

Some tips how to make dodol salak?  
For manufacturing of dodol and chips salak hygienic, delicious and nutritious fruit, which has been shelled and salak cleaned then shredding machine to a grain-refined grains. Salak fruit grater results it is then cooked or simmered for three hours. Along with it, prepared flour and sugar as additional raw materials which are then mixed with grated godokan salak fruit. 
Mix the grated fruit-salak, flour and sugar stirred continuously while heated for three hours. Each ingredient in the dough composition containing lunkhead salak fruit consisting of 30 kg salak fruit grater mixed with 1.5 kg of wheat flour and 6 kg of white sugar.

After the dough is cooked newly appointed and then cooled by means of diangin-angin for one night. Then mix the materials have become baking sheet was printed using the dodol. Printout then dried using electric dryer machine or can also use heat rays of the Sun by means of drying process. 
The next stage of dodol already so it is then cut into pieces corresponding to the desired size and then drained back by using a gas oven. The final stage is to wrap the pieces in plastic or paper dodol, then packed in cardboard boxes that had been provided in advance.

Manufacturing production could hold it for six months without causing a change of color, taste or smell. With these product durability then the salak fruit is an alternative dodol is very good for salak fruit processing. 
Because that way the product of dodol may be stored long enough and not easily damaged/rotten.  Although the production capacity of dodol and chips of fruits salak managed entrepreneurs is still very limited, but agricultural commodity processing industry enterprises the original area is very necessary because the Government has supported economic potential to be developed in this country.

The article is in this post I have acquired when carrying out studies of appeal in Kelurahan of Purwobinangun Subdistrict Pakem. Sub Pakem is located just north of Yogyakarta city which is close to the tourist area of Mount Merapi is a producer of salak pondoh known by all layers of society. 
As we know, many types of salak in this homeland, one of salak pondoh that originated from the town of Sleman. The hallmark of salak fruit size is small, but it feels so sweet not sour, people told me it's the purest honey sweetness. 

When you created the original flavor of chips, has not changed since the result of the process of frying in vacuum, even according to serve the field a lot of people who like the kripik salak of Sleman.  The course of his appeal with the procurement tool penggoreng chips salak or rather salak pondoh who later managed independently by the community into undertaking home industry, of course held training first. 

Event will be based on the breeding of salak pondoh in those areas at the harvest feast on certain months usually in December and January so the prices in the market being cheap reached Rp 2,500 rupiah rupiah. But if it was not at the time of season prices are salak pondoh be costly around Rp. 10,000 rupiah. 

So that farmers do not lose out when the harvest season and could possibly not hoarded salak pondoh first and then sold at the time of a famine for the hoarding is necessary somewhere satandar, then part of salak pondoh conjured into chips, with the hope of increasing farmers ' welfare.  

Salak in the market price of chips is expensive. You need to spend in-in order to buy a kilo of chips salak that cost Rp. 90,000 rupiah to Rp. 100,000.00. Be advised, from one kilo of fruit-salak pondoh produces just one ounce of salak chips already processed. So to get a kilo of chips salak It takes ten kilos of fruit-salak. It's not the cost of the purchase of LPG fuel, energy, packaging and cooking oil. When you want to feel the thrill of savory and sweet chewy, flaky salak, these prices are still reasonable and affordable to buy.

Kamis, 16 Februari 2012

Fruit-Salak (Salacca Edulis)

Fruit-Salak (Salacca Edulis) is a tropical fruit that is much sought after by people of Japan, America, and Europe. This fruit has a nutrient which is quite high and can be consumed as fresh fruit and processed as a confectioner. The flesh of this fruit contains calcium, tanin, saponins, and flavonoida. This will be able to plant salak thrives in the tropic, for example in Indonesia.
Now this Community farmers switch from cultivation into planters salak, arguing once planting could produce for the long term, just need a little care and pollination, and the result doubled compared to cultivation. The advantage with the land that is not too luaspun this salak fruit planting, for example on the home page, in the garden even empty land could not be planted rice, corn or beans, salak plants can grow and produce.

On the basis of their subjects, salak fruit containing a substance which can be used as tanin anti diarrhea, but it can also cause constipation particularly for mother mothers who are pregnant should be vigilant in mengkonsumsinya. In pregnancy, constipation can be caused by an increase in hormones, the granting of a supplement iron intake, lack of water, lack of fiber and activity of the mother, as well as custom delay defecation. Because it's for mother pregnant women should avoid the salak or eat it sparingly.

Important note, when to eat it, do not get discard the skin ari (thin skin that is attached to the salak fruit) because it contains a fairly high in fiber, which is very helpful at all in the process expedited chapter.  To look out for from Salak fruit taste, which has turned out to be not recommended for osphronemidae sufferers of ulcer and inflammation of the colon due to tannins in salak fruit can be aggravating conditions of intestinal injury and difficult to digest.

Salak Fruit researched efficacy according to salak fruit experts able to treat pain diarrhea. Berkashiat also for the health of the skin and nails. In consuming fruits salak, should not throw leather ari fruits salak (thin skin that is attached to the salak fruit) because these turns nutritious skin in ari expedited chapter.
Salak also proved to be beneficial to the health of the eyes. Research by Nurfi Afriansyah, MSc from the nutrition and Food Research and development centre of the Ministry of health of INDONESIA mentioned that content in 100 grams of salak betakaroten more 5.5 times that of the fruit mango, 3 times from the fruit guava and 5 times that of the fruit of watermelon red. Betakaroten is one of the many anti oxidant substances contained in vegetables carrots, that in fact is very nutritious for the health of the eyes.
Kandungan Gizi Buah Salak Dalam 100 Gram
NoKandunga GiziBanyaknya
1Kalori77,0 kal
2Protein0,40 g
3Karbohidrat20,90 g
4Kalsium28,00 mg
5Fosfor18,00 mg
6Zat Besi4, 20 mg
7Vitamin B0,04 mg
8Vitamin C2,00 mg
9Air78,00 mg

Rabu, 15 Februari 2012

Salak Pondoh Garden Pakem Sleman

As we know, Salak is a type of fruit that can be eaten directly palma. Typical brown skin like a snake scales that Americans might call sono Snake Fruit.
Garden salak di Pakem Sleman

In the garden, we also can pluck and eat salak. One person may reap up to five pieces. May be eaten on the spot but it should not be carried out. While enjoying it, we could listen to the guide explains everything about salak. "A lot of people thought it was like a mango tree salak. The fruit on top of our heads. There are also expected in the salak fruit on the ground, "said Subiyanto, one of the guides.
Garden salak di Sleman
Garden salak pondoh

Garden salak di Turi Sleman

Selasa, 07 Februari 2012

Packaging flakes Salak

kripik jamur tiram/200gr - Rp.20.000
kripik salak mutiara/80gr - Rp.15000

          KWT SRIKANDI


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Commodities are processed into kripik fruit comes from the organic fruit orchard in Kab Sleman. Pengolahannya any natural i.e. fresh fruit dried then fried in oil without the use of preservatives. After the packaged dried fruit is able to last up to one year.

As a new venture developing, marketing the fruit is still require kripik much encouragement especially to mengambangkan-scale efforts. At this time although some areas of the country got interested with this product but it is still difficult to fulfill the market because of the limited production volume. 

With modern technology, the fruit we eat regular watering, now we can eat it in the form of dry but the original flavor and nutrient men have not changed and even more tasty and crispy.


Rabu, 01 Februari 2012

About flakes Salak

Salak fruit chips Sleman typical
 way of packaging
Salak fruit crisps are typical Sleman processed product in the form of fresh fruit snacks (chips) doped with fryer technology vacuum system (Vacuum Frier). 
Making chips is the fruit of new business opportunities in the field of agro-industries at household, because it can increase the value added.

chips maker salak
Vacuum fryer, technology-based water jet pump (waterjet pump) capable of lowering the boiling point of frying oil to below 1000C so that aspects of the quality of flavor, aroma and nutritional fruit chips fryer vacuum system is not significantly different from the fresh fruit but with a crunchy texture and dry. Fruit crisps are packed and stored correctly and the appropriate expiration period can reach up to 1 year 10 months of storage.
The process of selecting a true SALAK thorough and quality. And supported by good and hygienic procedures as well as machine tools producing fruits chips. Chips will then produce fruits that taste keaslianya maintained. 
Business opportunities of bark chips business is wide open for those interested in becoming a distributor agent bark chips Indonesia typical snacks. Snacks by the typical business has always