Kamis, 16 Februari 2012

Fruit-Salak (Salacca Edulis)

Fruit-Salak (Salacca Edulis) is a tropical fruit that is much sought after by people of Japan, America, and Europe. This fruit has a nutrient which is quite high and can be consumed as fresh fruit and processed as a confectioner. The flesh of this fruit contains calcium, tanin, saponins, and flavonoida. This will be able to plant salak thrives in the tropic, for example in Indonesia.
Now this Community farmers switch from cultivation into planters salak, arguing once planting could produce for the long term, just need a little care and pollination, and the result doubled compared to cultivation. The advantage with the land that is not too luaspun this salak fruit planting, for example on the home page, in the garden even empty land could not be planted rice, corn or beans, salak plants can grow and produce.

On the basis of their subjects, salak fruit containing a substance which can be used as tanin anti diarrhea, but it can also cause constipation particularly for mother mothers who are pregnant should be vigilant in mengkonsumsinya. In pregnancy, constipation can be caused by an increase in hormones, the granting of a supplement iron intake, lack of water, lack of fiber and activity of the mother, as well as custom delay defecation. Because it's for mother pregnant women should avoid the salak or eat it sparingly.

Important note, when to eat it, do not get discard the skin ari (thin skin that is attached to the salak fruit) because it contains a fairly high in fiber, which is very helpful at all in the process expedited chapter.  To look out for from Salak fruit taste, which has turned out to be not recommended for osphronemidae sufferers of ulcer and inflammation of the colon due to tannins in salak fruit can be aggravating conditions of intestinal injury and difficult to digest.

Salak Fruit researched efficacy according to salak fruit experts able to treat pain diarrhea. Berkashiat also for the health of the skin and nails. In consuming fruits salak, should not throw leather ari fruits salak (thin skin that is attached to the salak fruit) because these turns nutritious skin in ari expedited chapter.
Salak also proved to be beneficial to the health of the eyes. Research by Nurfi Afriansyah, MSc from the nutrition and Food Research and development centre of the Ministry of health of INDONESIA mentioned that content in 100 grams of salak betakaroten more 5.5 times that of the fruit mango, 3 times from the fruit guava and 5 times that of the fruit of watermelon red. Betakaroten is one of the many anti oxidant substances contained in vegetables carrots, that in fact is very nutritious for the health of the eyes.
Kandungan Gizi Buah Salak Dalam 100 Gram
NoKandunga GiziBanyaknya
1Kalori77,0 kal
2Protein0,40 g
3Karbohidrat20,90 g
4Kalsium28,00 mg
5Fosfor18,00 mg
6Zat Besi4, 20 mg
7Vitamin B0,04 mg
8Vitamin C2,00 mg
9Air78,00 mg

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